How to Create Credentials for Server-based Applications

Setting Up Your E-Invoicing Application: Creating Client ID and Client Secret

To integrate the E-Invoicing Application with our services, you need to generate a Client ID and Client Secret through the API console. Please follow the steps below to create your credentials:

  1. Access the API Console: Visit the API console and log in by clicking the button provided below. Ensure you're logged in with the correct account that has admin access to the E-Invoicing services.
  2. Select Application Type: Once logged in, navigate to the section where you can create new credentials. Make sure that you select "Server-based Applications" from the available options. This setting is crucial for the correct functioning of the E-Invoicing Application.
  3. Configure Client Details:
    1. In the field labeled "Client Name," enter "Egyptian EInvoicing Client". This name will help you identify the client in the future.
    2. For the "Home Page" field, type in "http://localhost:8888/". This is a placeholder URL used for development purposes.
    3. In the "Authorized Redirect URLs" field, input "http://localhost:8888/auth". This URL is where the application will redirect users after they have authenticated.
  4. Create Credentials: After filling in the required information, click on the "Create" button to generate your new credentials. Please ensure all the information is correct before proceeding to this step.
  5. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret: Upon successful creation, the page will redirect you to a section labeled "Client Secret". Here, you will find both the Client ID and Client Secret. These are crucial for the application's authentication process.
  6. Integrate with Your Application: Copy the Client ID and Client Secret, and paste them into the login form of the Windows E-Invoicing Application. This step is essential for linking your E-Invoicing Application with our API services.

Mostafa Wanas

Managing Director & Founder | Wanas Apps

Founder of Wanas Apps, is an expert in development, sales, and engineering, with significant experience in the GCC and MENA regions.
He is a visionary in diverse industry sectors, proficient in business management, and has numerous certifications in software development